Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pat on My Back

This morning, at the start of my 7am meeting, my boss stood up and presented me with a little commemorative pin to celebrate my 5 year anniversary as a CHOP employee. I knew the milestone was around the corner, but it kind of snuck up on me. Erin and I first met at CHOP orientation. We started on the same day and instantly fell in love. She was the 1st person i told that i was going to break up with my boyfriend of 5 years too long. (He found out a few days later). It's definitely bitter sweet for me to think of the past 5 years...

In the past 60 months, I started at an organization I believe in; ended that other relationship; lived on my own; strengthened the most amazing friendship; met jed; got cancer; finished grad school; started my 2nd CHOP job; got rid of cancer; got married; lost Erin; started amazing friendships; ended others; and through it all, I found out who I am and who I want to be. WHEW! not bad for one's mid 20s.

Looking back, I have no idea how it was possible to have the energy to squish all of it into 5 years. But i am going to relax for a little while, pour some out for my home girl and give myself a nice pat on the back.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


for those of you who were worried about sexy stapler and hanging on the edges of your seats waiting to hear of his fate, he, along with my scissors, have been returned by a conscionable perpetrator. and i gotta tell you, my life is a bit better now that sexy stapler is back.

speaking of abb, chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes are way better than regular ones.

Friday, November 14, 2008

the struggle continues

An email from a concerned and experienced comrade:

"AH--welcome to the world of [BlahBlahBlah], and to the things you learn that are never made clear during the interview process! Remember we are a community of learners, and somewhat near the communistic side of government in that we all own everything--so your supplies are being used by one of your comrades, I mean co-workers, and it is up to you to "use" (find) another set of supplies--the communist way--but if you work here long enough, your original supplies will eventually go through your office many times!"

Yes, still no sign of or word from sexy stapler...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

come home, sexy stapler

Once upon a time, I had a pair of scissors and a stapler, which was a very nice arrangement. And then one day, by some miracle, two more pairs of scissors showed up on my desk and happily joined our growing family. Shortly, it occurred to me that they might have been missing their old homes, so I returned them to the staff room with a note, much like the baby-in-the-basket-at-the-doorstep trick. Upon returning from my good deed, I made the ironic discovery that both my own scissors AND my stapler had disappeared (perhaps they ran away in a rebellious act against my returning their new friends, miracle scissor 1 and 2, to their old homes?) I have since appropriated a spare pair of scissors from the staff room, which are not my own but I have faith that they will do the job as well as my last pair (let me know if they are yours, I'll happily return them). But I am still missing my stapler. Please let me know if you've seen him-- he's black, kinda old, a little on the chunky side, but I love him just the same. And I miss him.