Carrie is Jed's cousin by blood, but I feel very lucky to have inherited her as mine. She taught me how to can tomatoes, which spurred the apple butter frenzy of '08. She let her son wear a superman "outfit" to school every day for 3 months. She worked hard for a year to find herself a new job, and is now the Executive Director (fancy, right?!) of Rebuilding Together Philadelphia. RTP has been in Philly for 20 years, working their mission to prevent homelessness by partnering with the community to rehabilitate the homes of elderly, disabled, and low-income homeowners so that they may continue to live in warmth, safety, and independence. Basically, Carrie's organization make life abb for a lot of people.
RTP was selected by HGTV to have a chance at winning $40,000 through its Change the World, Start at Home Campaign.
This grant would enable RTP to make significant repairs to a three-bedroom house that provides veterans with support and shelter during transitional periods. It is owned and operated by the Pennsylvania American Legion Housing for Homeless Veterans Corporation. Built more than 50 years ago, the row house is in the Frankford section of North Philadelphia. Most of the homes in the area are 70-90 years old. Like most houses of similar age, this house is extremely energy inefficient. RTP volunteers would have numerous opportunities to upgrade insulation, windows, fittings and appliances. Not only will this increase efficiency, but also will make the house warmer. RTP volunteers also would be able to replace the fencing in the front yard and do landscaping (which benefits the entire neighborhood) as well as upgrade the kitchen and do other interior repairs. Learn more about what the project would entail. The residents are all veterans who have served their county. This house is a home-like, non-institutional setting, which has a tremendous impact on having each veteran shape his own destiny.
ABB readers, you can help RTP make essential repairs to a home for veterans in transition-just by lifting your finger! In order to win, RTP needs to obtain the most online votes between today and March 2. Anyone can cast a vote EVERY DAY between now and March 2nd.Before you do anything else, please click here and vote today (and every day!):
Please vote every day. Help make a HUGE difference to veterans in our community. Carrie and I both thank you.