Monday, December 15, 2008

Lessons in the Reader

I am a natural sharer. When I come across a great idea, or tip, or time saver, or sale, I can’t help but share it with everyone. In my mind, sharing is an extension (or a justification?) of my social work background. So with that in mind, I would like to share my love of the Reader with my late adaptor friends. The Reader will help you organize the blogs you read daily. It automatically updates, so you only have to go to 1 site to check which of your blogs have new posts. You can read about the awesomeness of the Reader here and watch a great video explaining it here. Or just follow my instructions below. And btw, the Reader I love has nothing to do with the new Kate Winslet Nazi movie.

These instructions are for the Google reader. If you use an email other than Gmail, I can’t promise that this will change your life. But you should still try it.

At the tippy-top of your Gmail screen, there is a row of links:
Gmail Calendar Documents Photos Reader Web More
Needless to say, all of Google’s feature are awesome, but since this is about the Reader, click on that link. At the top, on the right side of the screen, click the button “Add a Subscription.” All yous gots to do next is type or paste a website. And that’s it. Sites that have a new-to-you post are bold. Since my Gmail is open almost all day, it is very easy for me to just click on Reader at the top of my Gmail page and check the status of all of my blogs. You can organize the blogs into categories that make sense to you. I organize into Blog, Food, Gossip, Sewing, Work. So try this out and let me know what you think.

On an unrelated note, I got an excellent haircut on Friday. So good, that this morning, a stranger on the El commented that I have great hair.


  1. two things:

    1) you introduced me to reader and it hanged my blog reading life completely. i am in fact, right now, scrolling through my reader.

    2) i saw a pic of the hair and i completely agree. the hair, it rocks.

  2. alethia introduced me to the genius that is google reader and it has indeed, changed my life. i especially love the top recommendation section. thank you ab for your sharing spirit, it is much appreciated!
