Monday, December 1, 2008

New Additions to ABB

ABB is becoming, well, a bit better. DH and I have recruited two lovely ladies to join us as co-queens of this blogdom. As our new contributers, Jessica Mae and RM will bring the amazingness. Individually, we have different talents and interests - different identities, if you will. Together, we will support eachother's creativity, daily postings, musings and theories.

In addition to being adorable, smart, and equally incredible at drinking as she is at dancing, RM is a baker, a dater, a searcher. She will add recipes, insight on singldom, dance tutorials, and emoticons. Welcome RM, we didn't know what we were missing.


  1. can't wait for the lol's, :)'s and an occasional wtf?

  2. ab, you forgot to mention that i also have a huge doom piece....look at that thing. that is one big head:) i <3 emoticons!!!

  3. Yes! So excited for the latest/greatest!

  4. Man, that's a really nice chalkboard! I wish I knew the true identities behind all that beautiful hair.
